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Dr. Denise Hee: This is Your Brain on Nutrition

Want to be successful? Want to function at your best?  You better watch what you eat!

We hear all the time about how nutrition is important.  It affects your weight, your muscle development, your energy levels, your general health, yada, yada, yada.  But do we really pay attention when we’re told?  And even if we pay attention, do we actually do anything about it?

Well, if you want to have the most successful, fulfilling life you can, you need to function the best you can.  If you want to function the best you can, mentally, emotionally and physically, you need to pay attention to what you’re putting into your body.

Let’s start with your brain.  How does nutrition affect your brain?   And let’s flip that around and ask, how does mindset affect nutrition?  What are some daily nutritional habits we should all follow to function at our best?

These are some of the questions we explored in this workshop with “The Foodie Doc”, Dr. Denise Hee.  Denise comes to us from the cutting edge field of Epigenetics, with a focus on Nutrigenomics.  Don’t know what any of that means?  I didn’t either.  Each person has a unique scientific blueprint. Everyone’s body is unique, and that means everyone’s specific nutritional needs are unique too.  However, there are also some general principles about how we work that everyone can learn from.  Denise generously shared her time to help us learn about some of those principles.

Watch the video, take notes, and take action!


Dr. Denise K Hee, Mb BCh BAO, MRCS, CHC
Denise is a medical doctor practising Nutrigenomic Medicine. She is also a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.