I’ve decided that conflict gets a bad rap. It gets blamed for a multitude of problems in society. But really, what did conflict do to anyone? It was just there minding its own business, and people took it and decided to cause problems. How fair is that? Not very, I say.
You see, conflict is nothing more than a situation – the actual or perceived incompatibility of needs, interests, wants or values. What people do with the situation...well there’s the rub.
The fact is, we face little conflicts all day, every day, and manage just fine. Who left the lid off the toothpaste? What should we have for dinner? Which colleges should I apply to? Do you like my dress? He took the last cookie!
All positive life changes come because of conflict. Where we are now is incompatible with where we need or want to be. Losing weight, getting an education, developing talents, creating music or art, advancing your career. Conflict is an opportunity for change.
Most people tend to look at conflict as bad, something to be managed or avoided. But conflict simply is. Trying to deny “what is” is like pushing a huge boulder uphill: eventually you are going to get crushed by reality.
And so, until we transform our attitudes about conflict we can never hope to transform the results of conflict into something positive. How will you use your conflicts to transform your life for the better?